Equine Massage, Chiropractics & Acupuncture

Equine Massage

Like any decision relating to your horse’s health care, making informed choices is important. When it comes to complementary therapies, this means getting a clear picture of what they can (and cannot) offer, who has the education and training to safely deliver them, and how they fit in with your horse’s regular veterinary care. … Read the rest

Avoid these stretching mistakes with your horse


There are many benefits of stretching for horses. Keeping muscles supple, joints mobile and encouraging proper fibre alignment in healing tissues are key among them.

But to reap the benefits – and most importantly to avoid doing harm – it is essential that stretches be executed properly. … Read the rest

The 4 Stages of Injury Rehabilitation

Bandaging horse leg injury

Bringing a horse back from injury and lameness can sometimes be a long and arduous road. While advances in equine sports medicine have brought many new treatment options to the fore, some things – like the stages of the rehabilitation process itself – will always remain the same. … Read the rest

Keeping your horse’s muscles healthy

horse chest muscles

As an equine massage therapist, my work is dedicated to keeping horses’ muscles (and related connective tissues) happy and healthy. But equine massage is only one part of the equation.

Promoting a strong and healthy musculoskeletal system is an ongoing process requiring the regular attention and care that only a horse-owner (or the horse’s regular rider or trainer) can provide. … Read the rest

Equine massage: Getting the most out of your session

We all want to ensure that our money is well spent. Of course, spending money on our horses tends to come rather easy for some of us… But unless we have an endless supply of it, we do need to spend it wisely – so that when we do choose to do something, we make those dollars count. … Read the rest

Carrot Stretches to Strengthen Your Horse’s Back

Carrot stretches are an easy and effective way to develop the stabilizing muscles of the horse’s back. Recent studies have been able to show the significant effect of these exercises on the multifidus muscles – the small inter-vertebral muscles that help stabilize and protect the spine – when performed on a regular basis. … Read the rest

New Equine Massage Therapy Research Study

Scientific research on equine massage is still in its infancy, so I am always excited when I see new studies coming out.

Indeed, as more and more people incorporate therapies like massage, chiropractic and physiotherapy into the health-care management of their horses, there is a concurrent need for more research to ensure that the best practices and most effective treatments are employed. … Read the rest

Getting “in touch” with your horse’s body

All of us are born with the sense of touch and a set of feeling hands. 

You don’t have to know the names and function of every muscle, bone and joint in your horse’s body to garner benefit from, well, quite simply, feeling your horse. … Read the rest